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Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Defective Tools

Defective Tools And Personal Injury Attorneys In New Jersey

If you suffered an injury because of a dangerous or defective tool, there is an excellent chance your injuries are severe. We use tools because they make a difficult job easier. They often have substantial power and when that power turns on the tool’s user, the damage can be catastrophic. If you have been injured by a defective tool or if you have lost a loved one in a fatal accident involving a tool, our experienced trial lawyers can help you. At Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC, we have tried hundreds of cases over nearly 30 years for clients in South Jersey and statewide. Contact our Mount Laurel offices by calling 866-944-3371 or by filling out our contact form.

Understanding Product Liability Litigation

Many factors go into determining whether you have a valid claim and how much you can recover in compensation. Did you suffer a work injury, such as a construction accident? Was the tool being used correctly when your injury occurred? What evidence is available to prove that your injury was caused by a malfunctioning tool? It takes experience and skill to gather and present compelling evidence. Our firm understands complex personal injury litigation, including product liability cases. We can guide you through the process and help you get the compensation you deserve.

What Is A Defective Tool?

Power tools are what many people think of when they hear about defective tool injuries. That is one form of defective tool, but there are many others. Defective scaffolding and malfunctioning ladders are among the most common causes of defective tools injuries. Any instrument, device, machine or apparatus that is used to complete a job or keep you safe during a job can be the focus of a lawsuit if it breaks down and you are injured as a result.

More than one party may share responsibility for your injuries. These cases may involve the maker of the product, your employer, a third party or any combination of those. You need an attorney on your side to help you find all the responsible parties and collect full compensation for the harm you suffered. Schedule a consultation with us by calling 866-944-3371 or contact us online.