Photo of the attorneys of Costello, Mains and Silverman, LLC

Advocates for NJ and PA
Workers & Their Families

Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Preserving The Rights Of Consumers

When it comes to bargaining power, consumers are at a decided disadvantage. The corporations that produce most of the goods we buy and provide most of the services we need are quite large. They have teams of attorneys working day and night to protect them from the consequences of their actions. When a company endangers its customers, there may be some cost to their reputation. It is rarely enough to convince companies to do the right thing on their own.

The imbalance of power has led to the creation of laws meant to protect consumers from harm. The goal is to discourage companies from taking risks or cutting corners that endanger consumers. These laws are not a guarantee that businesses will have the right priorities, but they do help victims get compensation when negligence leads to harm.

Holding Businesses Accountable

At Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC, our attorneys have extensive experience taking on businesses when they violate the law. Our lawyers understand federal and New Jersey consumer protection laws. We have the skill to fight for consumers like you in and out of the courtroom.

To learn more about our consumer protection services, please contact us online or call us at 866-944-3371.