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Types of employer harassment you could face on the job

On Behalf of | Apr 4, 2019 | Workplace Discrimination |

Harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that affects thousands of employees throughout New Jersey every year. Whether employers realize it or not, their employees might be the victim of harassment by management, co-workers, vendors and other people in the workplace. It is illegal to harass an employee for various reasons and harassment is governed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC.)

Physical harassment is one of the less likely forms of harassment an employee might face from their employer on the job, but it is still possible. Physical harassment can include groping, hitting, touching, slapping, punching, kicking or being hit with an object. Claims of physical harassment are often more severe than other forms of harassment because of the injuries involved.

Verbal harassment is the most common type of harassment employees face from their employers in New Jersey. Verbal harassment comes in the forms of innuendos, jokes, insults, name-calling, slurs and the use of foul language towards you or another employee.

The most intimidating type of harassment is that which comes from a supervisor at your place of employment. Employees might feel vulnerable or trapped when they are harassed by their supervisors, who often use their position of power to intimidate their subordinates.

Employees can also face various forms of harassment from their co-workers. It’s quite possible for you to be the victim of a hostile work environment because of the harassment from your co-workers.

As you can see, harassment is a problem in many workplaces in Burlington and the rest of New Jersey. If you are being harassed by your employer in any of the ways mentioned here today, you should report it immediately and then seek the counsel of an experienced workplace discrimination attorney.