It’s not uncommon for employers to make mistakes when it comes to the payment of overtime to employees. More often than not, these mistakes are honest ones that are easily and quickly fixed when brought to the attention of the payroll department. What are some of the more egregious overtime mistakes made by employers?
You might notice that your employer asks you or your co-workers to perform certain tasks at the end of the day after you’re already off the clock. This should never be tolerated. When this is requested, your employer might claim that you have to finish the task because you couldn’t complete it during the normal course of the day.
Have you ever had unapproved overtime denied by your employer? What is unapproved overtime? This is when an employer requires all overtime work to be approved prior to it being handled. Therefore. they can deny any overtime worked by employees if it wasn’t scheduled in advance. For the most part, you are within your rights to receive overtime pay whether or not the work was approved.
Check the status of your employment with your employer. Make sure you were not incorrectly classified as a contractor by your employer. This classification means you are not a legal employee of the company, which removes your right to receive overtime pay and benefits.
As you can see, employers often make serious mistakes when it comes to the payment or non-payment of overtime wages for their employees. Make sure you know the laws regarding overtime pay so you do not miss out on the pay you are rightfully owed.