Photo of the attorneys of Costello, Mains and Silverman, LLC

Advocates for NJ and PA
Workers & Their Families

Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC 2016 Legal Seminar

Women in the Workplace:
Legal Rights & Remedies

Thursday, June 2, 2016 2pm – 5pm
Two-Hour Cocktail Reception after
Presentation Hosted by Kaplan, Leaman & Wolfe Court Reporters
Westin Mount Laurel
555 Fellowship Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054

COURSE FEE: $35.00 if pre-registered before April 15, 2016. $45.00 between April 15, 2016 and the day of the event.

DESCRIPTION: This three hour seminar will offer 150 General Civil Minutes (3 credits) applicable to mandatory CLE. This seminar will provide a survey of employment rights for women in force in New Jersey for the benefit of Non-employment attorney practitioners.

THE PRESENTATION: This seminar will offer instruction regarding, but not limited to, the duty of an employer to provide a safe work place, equal pay rights for women, women’s issues and family leave rights, domestic violence rights and the New Jersey employer, gender harassment and discrimination under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and a survey of pregnancy rights and legal issues for women in New Jersey.

THE PRESENTERS: Kevin M. Costello, Esq. and Deborah L. Mains, Esq., Chairs of the Seminar, along with Daniel T. Silverman, Esq. will be your faculty.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Any attorney or legal professional who advises, counsels or represents women or families in New Jersey in the areas of workers’ compensation, personal injury, immigration, family law, disability rights or union rights.

TO PRE-REGISTER: Complete the information below, print and fax this flyer to (856)727-9797 (Attention: Jennifer Keltos)

Name: ______________________________

Firm: _______________________________

Phone: _____________________________

Email: ______________________________

or follow this link to register online:

Register Now