Photo of the attorneys of Costello, Mains and Silverman, LLC

Advocates for NJ and PA
Workers & Their Families

Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Essex County Attorneys

Essex County, the second-most populated county in New Jersey and very close to New York City, has a huge population. Every person in that county is doing their best to live their lives, and many of them will run into dire issues of civil rights infringement that demand help.

At , our attorneys are civil trial lawyers with the experience and reputation that people in Essex County can trust. We address civil rights violations, workplace discrimination and employment law on behalf of clients in a serious fight with much more powerful groups. We work to even the scales.

A Commitment To Protecting Your Rights

Our firm is led by attorneys who are not only highly experienced, with 40 years of combined time in courtrooms across New Jersey. They are also certified as specialists in civil trial law by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.

Certification in any area of law is highly sought after and rare, with less than 3% of attorneys ever meeting the requirements. However, if you need to know you can put your total faith and trust in an attorney, certification is a good thing to consider.

As experts in civil trial law, our attorneys are able to craft highly effective cases, based on facts and argued with conviction.

How We Build Your Case

Our lawyers listen closely to your story. We track every injustice you’ve faced and explain the potential legal angles of any possible litigation. From there we take immediate steps to verify and support your side of the story.

We plan every case as if it will go to trial for the long haul. While many cases settle out of court, we will not settle unless it’s the right choice for you.

At Work In Essex County Courthouse

Essex county is unique in several ways, including having its own unique laws. For example, Newark has a special paid leave law that is not matched by all other towns across the state. This creates a unique legal ecosystem for people who may have been wrongfully denied their leave.

We’re frequently in the Essex County Court house at 50 W market St. arguing cases like this and others from across the county.

Reach Out To Learn About Us

We’re an established civil trial law firm and we’ve made a name for us across New Jersey. Call our offices at or set up a meeting with us through this form to learn more about who we are and how we can help you.