Photo of the attorneys of Costello, Mains and Silverman, LLC

Advocates for NJ and PA
Workers & Their Families

Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Familial Status Harassment

You can’t be subjected to a hostile, intimidating or abusive working environment simply because you’re a parent, pregnant or anticipating the adoption of a child. The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination prohibits workplace harassment based on pregnancy and familial status, and both the New Jersey Family Leave Act and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) prohibit harassment of employees who ask for leave to adopt, give birth to, or care for a child.

The New Jersey employment rights lawyers at Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC have been protecting families for a generation, and we know how to make your claim.

Please call our Mount Laurel law office today at 866-944-3371 (toll-free) or contact us online to arrange a confidential consultation.