Photo of the attorneys of Costello, Mains and Silverman, LLC

Advocates for NJ and PA
Workers & Their Families

Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Camden County Civil Rights Lawyers

Civil rights violations are a major problem for people in Camden County, just like they are anywhere else. You might not be sure if your problems are due to a civil rights problem; you might just think things are unfair, but that’s why you need to reach out to us. We’ll take on the problems ahead of you head-on and demand justice.

At Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC, we are attorneys who fight to get justice for people in Camden County. As certified civil law experts, our lawyers show clients the meaning of diligence and preparation for all the challenges we face. People deserve to be treated with respect, and that’s exactly what we offer.

Our Practice Up Close

At Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC, we focus our attention on three areas for our clients. These areas are:

You deserve justice, and we’re determined to get it for you. We are ready and willing to hear your story and build a plan to bring the fight to the people who’ve hurt you.

Why Certification Matters

As certified civil law attorneys, we are experts in civil law. From litigation to negotiation, our understanding of tort law and damages is considerable. Only 2.5% of attorneys in New Jersey are able to achieve the level of focus and recognition that comes with certification from the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Our attorneys are proud to have earned that distinction and serve you in courtrooms across Camden County, especially at the Camden County Hall of Justice in Camden.

Begin Your Journey To Justice

We’ve pursued action for clients in every district and county in New Jersey, and even at the federal level. Our goal is to pursue compensation for violations of your rights and person. When you’re ready to start the fight, reach out to us at 866-944-3371 or send an email using this form.