Whether out of necessity due to staffing problems or out of a desire to keep their overhead as low as possible, a lot of workplaces operate with very minimal staffing. As a result, many employers ask their employees to stay “on call” while they’re on their lunch...
New Jersey Employment Law Blog
What constitutes wrongful termination?
Wrongful firing or a wrongful layoff occurs when an employee is terminated for illegal reasons, or an employer violates their responsibilities outlined in an employment contract. It is essential to differentiate between lawful and unlawful reasons for terminating an...
Changes to the WARN Act have given laid-off workers more rights
When a company lays off a large number of its employees, that action not only affects the people who have lost their jobs and their families. A mass layoff can affect an entire city and even beyond. New Jersey, which is home to many corporations of all kinds, has...
Bullying can happen at work, too
People often think of bullying as something that happens in middle school or high school. Once they grow up, they assume that bullying will fade away and they won’t have to deal with it anymore. This is often not true at all. The reality is that bullying happens all...
Should I mediate a dispute with my employer?
Employees do not always have a good relationship with their employers, which can happen for several reasons. Whether they are unhappy with a coworker or have resentment over wages, conflict is inevitable in any environment, including employment. When you think of a...
What you need to know about New Jersey’s Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights
Many legal protections for workers only apply to direct-hire employees. Temporary workers are often excluded, even when they do the same work and for the same hours as those paid directly by the business. Working for a third-party temp service typically means you get...
Employers often try to hide a wrongful discharge
Employers can terminate people for a nearly infinite number of reasons. Company policy and unique industry concerns could create unusual scenarios that only apply to one specific profession or type of business. There are also many generic reasons to lose a job. People...
How much work is normal for a salaried employee?
When your employer offered you a salaried role, you were excited to take it. You’d have a consistent income and no longer have to worry about tracking each individual hour on the job. For weeks where you’d be in the office less than 40 hours, a salaried pay would be a...
U.S. Soccer Federation settles over unequal pay claims
When women are not paid the same for the same work, they can file a claim for unequal pay. That’s what happened with the U.S. women’s soccer team and two of its star players, Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe. According to new from Feb 22, 2022, the woman were able to...
Can your employer fire you after you attempt suicide?
You have protection from workplace discrimination based on factors outside of your control, such as your gender and your race. Medical issues, both those that you have had since birth and those you develop later in life, are also often protected characteristics that...