The movie Bombshell is a perfect example of blatant sexual harassment and the hostile and very toxic work environment that was present at FOX News under former chief executive Roger Ailes.
Ailes used to ask female talent on interviews to twirl or spin for him, so he could check out the woman’s buttocks. He did this despite the candidates bringing stellar work and educational backgrounds to the hiring table.
News anchor Megyn Kelly kept diaries detailing the sexual advances from Ailes she was forced to endure in order to keep her job. Forced hugs and kisses on the lips were another part of the job description, it seems.
Kelly managed to keep her job, but three other female staffers were fired after they reported being sexually harassed on the job.
Ailes himself was finally forced out of Fox News when Gretchen Carlson, a former host, filed a lawsuit that alleged her career was sabotaged when she refused to sleep with him. At least 25 other women also then brought forth allegations that they were sexually abused and harassed during their stint with the cable news show.
No one should have to endure what these women did in order to retain their jobs. The fact that it can happen to high-profile professional women on nightly TV is discouraging. Women in lesser-paying positions out of the media spotlight often endure far worse treatment at the hands of supervisors, company owners and colleagues.
Fighting back against sexual harassment on the job is important. Not only can you receive a monetary settlement, but you put that company on notice that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. Learn how you can take action after you have been sexually harassed on the job.