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There is more than 1 type of off-the-clock work

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2019 | Wage & Hour Laws |

Working off the clock typically occurs when your employer requests that you complete work-related activity without compensation. As tempted as you may be to comply, as you want to show that you’re a good team player, it can quickly turn into something you didn’t sign up for.

Here are five of the most common examples of working off the clock:

  • Unpaid preparation: For example, setting up your workplace before the day begins should be compensated accordingly.
  • Unpaid post-shift work: Just the same as preparation, you should receive compensation for any work that’s required of you after your shift ends. This can be as simple as cleaning up or finishing tasks that another person didn’t complete during their workday.
  • Unpaid redoing of work: You may be asked by your employer to redo a project. While this is legal, they can’t request that you do so without pay.
  • Unpaid administrative work: This can include but is not limited to completing paperwork, reviewing documents before or after work, meeting with co-workers or management off the clock or partaking in training on your own time.
  • Waiting for more work: As an employee, you have the right to be paid for the hours you work. Even if you’re in between projects, your employer is required to pay you.

If you’re asked to complete any type of off-the-clock work, explain your stance to your employer and learn more about your legal rights. If they continue to persist or have forced you to work off the clock in the past, it may be time to take action with the idea of receiving compensation for these hours.