Photo of the attorneys of Costello, Mains and Silverman, LLC

Advocates for NJ and PA
Workers & Their Families

Partners and Counsel of Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC

Bergen County Attorneys

The people of Bergen County have just as many personal and professional problems as anyone else in New Jersey. They face discrimination and abuses of their rights at the same levels, and they need determined, dedicated representation.

At , we are civil trial attorneys with the experience and reputation you can count on. We are led by attorneys with 40 years of combined experience and certification in civil trial law from the New Jersey Supreme Court. We provide a high bar of service to each of our clients, answering questions, listening to stories and advocating aggressively in court.

The Difference Of A Certified Attorney

Certification in any area of the law in New Jersey is extremely rare. Only around 2.5% of attorneys ever reach that level of recognition. It requires additional education, dedication to one area of the law and rigorous testing to achieve.

However, a certified civil trial lawyer is one that the Supreme Court of New Jersey puts forward as an expert. While all attorneys are generally experts in the law, only a certified attorney is an expert in that specific type of law. If you need to know that your case is in the hands of a trusted resource regarding what’s ahead, contact the attorneys at Costello, Mains & Silverman, LLC.

Our Practice In Bergen County

In Bergen County, our team of lawyers works hard for people facing the destructive outcome of power imbalance in their daily lives. These are issues such as:

  • Educational law disputes
  • Wage and hour disputes
  • Americans with Disabilities Act disputes
  • Workplace discrimination
  • First Amendment rights issues

We shine a light on the people violating your rights and take steps to see them punished monetarily and statutorily. And we’re recognized for our success in that area.

We fight for our clients regularly at the Bergen County Courthouse at 10 Main St in Hackensack. But more than that, we’re well aware of the unique laws and ordinances in municipalities across the county.

We Are Prepared To Fight For What You Deserve

Our goal is to get you justice and compensation for the outrageous challenges you face every day. When you’re ready to stop taking the abuse you’ve suffered. Reach out to us at or send an email using this form to schedule a meeting.